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Benefits of Float Therapy in Winter

Retreat from the busy world as you lay in pod of epsom salt water heated to body temperature and float into deep relaxation. A sensory deprivation tank, also known as isolation tanks or float tanks, provide a unique experience that stimulates relaxation, detoxification and therapeutic…

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Health Benefits of Calendula

What Is Calendula? Calendula (Calendula officinalis), also known as pot marigold, is an annual flower that blooms regularly through the growing season. Native to the Mediterranean, calendula got its name because it seems to bloom with the calendar. Healing Properties…

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Magnesium – How it affects your sleep

The sleep-promoting, stress-reducing, disease-protecting power of this essential mineral Often times there are questions surrounding nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals even about magnesium for sleep. There are numerous articles on the importance of magnesium, and it’s critical—and sometimes under-recognized—role in…

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