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What is a Bamboo Massage?

You’re likely familiar with traditional bamboo… that tree-like shoot pandas love to eat. You’ve also likely seen bamboo essence added to beauty products, like lotions and creams, the stalks used to make furniture, or even the fibres used for bed sheets. However, have you ever heard of using bamboo for a deep tissue massage?

Bamboo was considered a powerful healing tool in ancient China, Japan, and Indonesia. In these cultures, it often symbolizes life, energy, prosperity, longevity, and fertility. While we’ve likely purchased bamboo products in one of its versatile forms, today it’s making a comeback as a bodywork tool due to its hard, flexible, and lightweight construction.

Those who’ve experienced a bamboo massage compare it to a deep-tissue massage, especially when the bamboo sticks are used to replicate the strokes used in Swedish massage. The combined warmth from the heated bamboo sticks along with rolling movements stimulates circulation in the body, increasing blood flow, which essentially helps the body flush toxins. Similarly, lymphatic fluid circulation is also enhanced, resulting in improved bodily functions, lower blood pressure, and the removal of metabolic waste from internal organs and muscles.

Bamboo is a natural antioxidant, and its extract contains silica, which assists your body in absorbing calcium, potassium, magnesium and other essential minerals that give your skin a healthy glow. While your body won’t be directly be getting the benefits of silica during a massage treatment, you may see an alleviation of psoriasis and eczema because of bamboo’s anti-irritant properties.

Common benefits of a bamboo massage:

Like any form of massage, there are numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits of hot bamboo massage, including

  • Reactivating and stimulating blood circulation
  • Migraine relief
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Managing respiratory ailments
  • Alleviating arthritic pain
  • Increasing joint and muscle flexibility
  • Stimulating cellular activity to repair and nourish the skin
  • Assists in removing lactic acid to reduce pain

Increase the benefits of #selfcare with frequent massage visits.

The benefits of massage are compounded when massage is utilized as a frequent therapy.

Making massage a form of regularly scheduled self-care can play a huge part in how healthy you’ll be and how youthful you’ll remain with each passing year. Budgeting time and money for bodywork at consistent intervals is an investment in your health.

Consider massage sessions a necessary part of your health and wellness plan, work with your therapist to establish a treatment schedule that meets your needs.

Ready to Book with us?

Here at Soma Novo we make it easy to book your massage appointment.  If you are looking to find a time that works best for you check out our online booking to browse a list of service providers and time that works best for you. If you have any questions or would like to call to book an appointment feel free to call us anytime. We would be more than happy to help schedule a time for you.

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