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What is a Reiki Session?

Rei is said to be wisdom from God, the higher self. This meaning that Reiki energy is a powerful energy that can be used on all. It understands each person and how to heal.

Ki is the non-physical energy where if this energy is low, it is more likely to cause illness or make one vulnerable to illness. A high energy makes for health and a positive wellbeing.

Reiki is often referred too as palm healing or hands-on healing due to the nature of how it is performed. Reiki’s natural method od healing is often very meditative and magical fro both the practitioner and the client.

Common benefits of Reiki

The same energy used in tai chi is what is involved with Reiki. It is referred to as “Qi” which is pronounced “Chi”. One must tune into the energy if they wish to feel results as it cannot be proven by science.

“The sensation, relaxation and beautiful experience will leave the client with an overwhelming calmness that comes from such a wonderful healing.” -Heather in Syracuse

Reiki is a great from of healing for the emotional state by changing the energy patterns in the body. Reiki practitioners believe that energy can be stagnant in the body where trauma has been inflicted whether physical or emotional areas of the body. Increased flow of energy can help release toxins built up enabling relaxation, decreased pain and symptoms of sickness. Reiki is based on the idea that there is an unseen life force energy that flows through each of us. A low life source energy is what causes our immune system to be down causing illness. When the energy is high, we are more likely to be happy and healthy.

Reiki has also been noted in aide with cancer patients. Reiki helps them to relax. The healing power of touch can cause a soothing response on patients who may be overwhelmed, scared, and stressed. It has also been said to be beneficial when patients are going through chemotherapy.

Benefits include:

  • A sense of calm
  • Relaxation
  • Better Sleep
  • More ease of movement
  • More creativity
  • A sense of being re charged
  • Revitalized

What to Expect at a Reiki Session

Reiki is best performed in quiet, peaceful settings. It can be performed sitting in a chair or lying down. Generally being fully clothed is best. Although at CNY In Syracuse and Rochester, we invite clients to change into a robe for extra relaxation. Depending on the setting, soft music may be played in the background. All jewelry, hair ties, glasses, shoes and socks should be removed before your session. As with any massage, it is best to turn your phone on silent to limit any interruptions or distractions.

The Reiki treatment will include little to no touch at all. Hands are held directly over certain points in the body where the practitioner feels stale energy. Hands will be held in these areas for as long or as little as the practitioner sees fit, or as long as they feel the energy flowing. Hands will be in different shapes and held over the head, limbs and torso. The practitioner’s hands may become warm. Once their hands are no longer warm or tingly, this signifies to them there is no longer energy flowing and they move onto the next area. Even after a person leave their treatment, the energy will continue to heal.

It is a personal choice, but some Reiki practitioners will choose to use crystals or chakra healing tools to help enhance the energy from the treatment.

A sessions length depends on where you have this treatment done. In Syracuse and Rochester, sessions are thirty or sixty minutes long. Your practitioner may recommend additional sessions after your initial visit to continue the healing process with energy work.

There usually won’t be any talking during a session after going over your health history in the beginning of your session. Always let your practitioner know if something feels uncomfortable. Our practitioners in Syracuse and Rochester Healing Arts are trained to customize each clients session specifically to their needs and preferences.

Everyone’s experience with Reiki will be different. Some individuals report feeling different sensations such as body tingles, heat, seeing colors or images or recalling memories. It is in the patient’s best interest to let these feelings happen and not try to push them away. The more you continue with Reiki treatments, the deeper the connections and feelings will get.

Increase the benefits of #selfcare with frequent massage visits.

The benefits of massage are compounded when massage is utilized as a frequent therapy.

Making massage a form of regularly scheduled self-care can play a huge part in how healthy you’ll be and how youthful you’ll remain with each passing year. Budgeting time and money for bodywork at consistent intervals is an investment in your health.

Consider massage sessions a necessary part of your health and wellness plan, work with your therapist to establish a treatment schedule that meets your needs.

Ready to Book with us?

Here at Soma Novo we make it easy to book your massage appointment.  If you are looking to find a time that works best for you check out our online booking to browse a list of service providers and time that works best for you. If you have any questions or would like to call to book an appointment feel free to call us anytime. We would be more than happy to help schedule a time for you.

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